Performance Artist - Actor - Maker of Stuff

52 Weeks of No TV - Year 2

Year 2 of 52 Weeks of No TV.  In year One, I gave up TV for 52 weeks.  Instead of watching TV, I dared myself to make some thing each week instead.  For year 2, I've decided to give up TV for 365 days, blog about it everyday AND make stuff.  Go! 

Day 23 of 365 Days of No TV (tues)


As I walked away from the conversation, I heard him say this:  Kym is an artist who....  The sentence drifted back into the noise of the city.  I felt an honest-to-god thrill in my gut - a little jump at being called an artist by another artist.  

First, it was the outside validation.  Second, it was all the work I did to earn such a title.  Thanks J. 


A Great NYC Summer Day and then some...



excruciating subway ride...made most delightful with discussion of chum shorts

excruciating subway ride...made most delightful with discussion of chum shorts

Take me out to the ball game 

Take me out to the ball game 

I'm pretty sure THIS is when we entered a new version of the universe.  Please Note unexplainable wavy lines. 

I'm pretty sure THIS is when we entered a new version of the universe.  Please Note unexplainable wavy lines. 

Some things are the same in this new universe, this is the way my friends look when they hear the word, "beer"

Some things are the same in this new universe, this is the way my friends look when they hear the word, "beer"

 This new universe does offer monkeys riding dogs chasing after goats.

 This new universe does offer monkeys riding dogs chasing after goats.

That is a monkey riding a dog.  He is wearing green neon fringe.  The monkey, that is.  Not the dog.  That would be silly. 

That is a monkey riding a dog.  He is wearing green neon fringe.  The monkey, that is.  Not the dog.  That would be silly. 

The Mothership Connection 

The Mothership Connection 

Sparkly glasses and the joy of The Wonder Wheel

Sparkly glasses and the joy of The Wonder Wheel

We are here. 

We are here. 

Behold the glory of The Wonder Wheel

Behold the glory of The Wonder Wheel

The next time we enter the door for this part of the multiverse, we will go to this indoor bumper car emporium and do as we're told.

The next time we enter the door for this part of the multiverse, we will go to this indoor bumper car emporium and do as we're told.

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