Performance Artist - Actor - Maker of Stuff

52 Weeks of No TV - Year 2

Year 2 of 52 Weeks of No TV.  In year One, I gave up TV for 52 weeks.  Instead of watching TV, I dared myself to make some thing each week instead.  For year 2, I've decided to give up TV for 365 days, blog about it everyday AND make stuff.  Go! 

Day 22 of 365 days of No TV


So many little things to do... 

Alexander Technique

Linklater Classes

Shaolin Kung Fu Training

Body Dynamics

Learning to ride a motorcycle

Taking singing classes

emails galore


I went to Moma's Rain Room a few weeks ago.  I waited in line for 2.5 hours.  By the time I got into the room, the novelty had worn off.  It became a photo op in my life.  A cool photo op.  After the waiting, it just wasn't worth it.  It was a cool trick to get people to wait in line and make others jealous that they had not had their pictures taken in the Rain Room.  It didn't speak to my soul.  It was cool lighting in a square room.  Could be better.  Here are my photos from the Rain Room.  Maybe that's where the actual art comes in...the pictures we take of the experience that we spread through blogs, tumblr, facebook etc.  I may be feeling cynical but maybe the Rain Room is just a big advertisement for MOMA.  I love the MOMA.  I don't have to love everything that they put up.  In fact, I should love, hate or feel indifferent about what they have going on.  It develops my taste, my voice and my opinion.  


Anyway, here are my cool Rain Room photos.  If you didn't want to wait in the Rain Room line, please steal this pic and say that this is you.   

Rain Room.  Diagnosis...Meh.

Rain Room.  Diagnosis...Meh.

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